The Signs of Love are all Around
The other day was my son's Confirmation and we had close family come visit from afar to share this very special event in my son's life.
The next day I was at work, for those of you whom do not know I work at a school in a classroom. The children were working on an activity and as I was overseen the progress in their work I stood there in the corner in the classroom and thought about how great it felt to have spent that time with family and how much I had missed them.
It was just a thought and I felt a bit sad though not showing it.
All of a sudden a little boy got up from his chair and ran to me to give me a hug! Let me tell you that this particular boy does not give me daily hugs.
I felt so overwhelmed and right away I recognized that this little angel in my class was guided by spirit to let me know I am loved and I am never alone. It made my day but only because of my open-mindedness I am able to see the signs that show up for me everyday.
My intention with this blog is for you to also see and recognize the beautiful signs of love all around you. And if what I say is too "out-there" for you then only take with you what serves you not every word I share with you in my blog.
I am thankful today for sending this message to you all. Have a fantastic day.
With love,
Samantha- Alternative Medicine Practitioner
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